Welcome to the Skillful Monkey's website

Hi there, welcome to my website. Here you will be able to view my latest content, learn more about me, view details on my favourite games and any mods that I support for these games and, view dedicated servers that I also host for my favourite games.

Please feel free to browse the website, view mods, my favourite video content and, my dedicated servers. 

Also, feel free to drop a message!

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About the Skillful Monkey

I am someone that has been gaming for some time now having been gaming since a very young age and, obtaining my first computer at the age of 11 - all be it, it wasn't a gaming PC! I started uploading videos to YouTube primarily due to liking to keep content recorded from my favourite games but, found storage was lacking on the device so, started to upload!

I don't tend to upload much content these days nor, do I stream. It is purely a method of storing my favourite recorded videos. Creating content is a challenge these days as I have three young kids and I don't think viewers would appreciate the background noise that comes with that! Recording videos is much easier but, the interaction with viewers is then, non-existent. Hopefully, at some point, I will be able to stream and produce decent content. Maybe when I eventually build the man cave at the bottom of the garden (I have three daughters!).

Formerly known as Matto Gaming (yes, my name is Matt), I decided to change my name and logo using the first Division game as a foundation but, adding the Gibbon as a nice addition. Adding the beanie hat, bag, weapon and of course, the watch from the Division game. I then upgraded the logo when the Division 2 was in Beta, using the Beta model as the foundation and adding the Gibbon again, I then created the logo that you see to the left. 

A few personal details - I live in a town called Telford which is located in Shropshire, UK. Gaming for me now is more of a winding down moment as I don't tend to mindlessly stare and watch a TV unless, it is a series I am currently watching otherwise, I don't really watch live-tv. I enjoy a variety of games, loving the Bioshock franchise in addition to Total war, Company of Heroes, Command & Conquer, Counter Strike, Division, Far Cry, Fifa, and now, Helldivers 2. There are of course, many more but, thinking of them and listing them would be a task and a very long web page!

I do also host some of my own dedicated servers which, I have added content for on this website. I only ask that the details are now made readily available to everyone (I don't expect many people to access the details via this website) and, you behave on the servers as my daughters may also be on some of those servers.

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